“you can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the end”

- C.S. Lewis



Ryan’s Mom (Allison), Dad (Rob), Bonus mom (Susan) and Brother (Jake) started the foundation to use all the lessons we learned during Ryan’s brief life to help other young adults with similar struggles.  Our experience with Ryan made us better people, more able to love and be loved.  We have learned the path forward is not always a straight line, and to embrace the curves.

We feel very strongly that the tragic conclusion of our beautiful boy’s story does not make these lessons less valid; they make them all the more valid.  Ryan was able to turn his life around through both access to effective treatment and the willingness to accept and embrace positive changes in his life.  The foundation is committed to helping others with the same willingness to do the same.

The Board is a diverse group of people that hold one thing in common – we all loved and adored Ryan and have a deep commitment to helping others that face similar challenges.

Robert Perry

Robert Perry

Susan Kirshenbaum

Susan Kirshenbaum

Allison Spitz

Allison Spitz

Jake Perry

Jake Perry

Sarah McGinness

Sarah McGinness

James Richards

James Richards

David Richer

David Richer

Ben Hecker

Ben Hecker